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My experience with BeGees the bears at 3

Me at 3 yrs.

my ET visit look like Ewok

My 3 types of Grays

My exp with Willoy One

Willoy One rounder head

My energy being visitaton

my hybrid

My first contact with Iyano pic1

2nd pic Iyano

3rd drawing of Iyano

Iyano my protector sent to me by my Galactic council.


Iargon protected my children

drawing of DUMB abductor

My DUMB Reptoid exp.

my hybrid in DUMB

Draco experience in DUMB

My experience in DUMB

DUMB Draco

My Dads ET ghost in Magic Act

Pic of ETs in Las Vegas Casion

ETs looking like Las Vegas ETs

JRod from Bill Uhouse who worked in DUMB with him
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